Posts Tagged ‘Dalek Invasion of Earth’

red dalek3 – Movie Engineer Dalek

First appearance 1966 “Daleks – Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D.” movie

Gods holy trousers! This is what happens when you have a budget to match your expectations but want to stay loyal to the original (as oppose some cretin with no experience of the originals coming up with those travesty paradigm versions).  The first Cushing Dalek movie although great viewing as a child, when I watch it back now seems a bit naïve.  But the big screen version of Dalek Invasion of Earth is altogether a different kettle of muto kaleds. Yes it has the annoying comedy Bernard Cribbins moments but it was a much darker movie with lots of on screen exterminations especially Dortmuns heroic fatal attack and the excellent Quisling baddie, Phillip Madoc’s Brockley (you’re name vill also go in the book). It also featured one of the best flying saucers I have ever seen be it Dalek or otherwise.  The red Engineer Dalek with his silver claw appendage was the pick of a very good bunch in the film.  These Daleks were bigger and much more sturdier looking than the orignals which must have helped for the location work.

Red movie Dalek

Red Dalek – Even sexier than the naked Gemma Atkinson FHM photoshoot.



Many years later while perusing a copy of FHM when it used to be a good magazine there was an article on toys you always wanted as a child and that you could theoretically buy now as an adult.  This baby was near the top of that list, and the photo on the right is the one that was in the magazine. And yes I stored it in my memory banks for the not too distant future when I could afford to buy one………  Infact if I ever come into some spare money again, I’m either going to get one of these or the next one in the countdown………..stay tuned!


orig mkiii8 – Classic Series Original Dalek Drone

First (only) appearance 1963, Season 1, Story B “The Mutants/The Daleks”.

Now we’re talking, in at no.8 the first completed conception of a Dalek from Terry Nations brief description. For the uninitiated, this model only ever appeared in the first Dalek story but owing to the near hysteria it created, it became THE blueprint for all future incarnations.  The paint scheme remained until right up to Patrick Troughtons 1967 story “Evil of the Daleks” (Season 4 Story LL) when those old enough to remember saw what many thought at the time was the final demise of the Daleks. The BBC wanting to promote the newer Cybermen as the Doctors chief villain (and cynically me thinks reap 100% of the merchandising rights as oppose “only” getting a percentage owing to Terry Nations joint ownership of the Dalek rights).  1963-dalek-fullThis model went through some changes prior to the paint scheme change.  Notably the mid section which changed to the more recognisable solar panel vertical slats in the 1965 story “The Chase”  Other noticeable changes were in the 1964 follow up story “The Dalek Invasion of Earth” their bases became thicker not dissimilar to bumper cars and they had a circular disc on the back. These changes were brought in to justify allowing them to leave their home city on Skaro and terrorise the Universe without having to rely on static electricity for motive power.  I suspect however the thicker bases allowed the user to trundle over rougher ground with outside broadcasts without the risk of viewers catching a glimpse of the operator pushing the dalek!  One other change was the use of different light covers for the “ears” which continually changed from the original flimsy Ping-Pong style through to more sturdier Ford Anglia side lights and the chunky ones we have on the modern style (not paradigm) Daleks.

Chunky bumper car base versions from 2013's re-enacted scene of Season 2's "Dalek Invasion of Earth"

Chunky bumper car base versions from 2013’s re-enacted scene of Season 2’s “Dalek Invasion of Earth”

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